Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hill Climb Racer Fuel Positions

Hi All,

I'm enjoying Hill Climb Racer quite a bit, and have a list of positions where the fuel stops are. Please note that I have not played the alien planet, and some of the later positions are extrapolated using the formula, rather than from experience. So let me know if the formulas doesn't hold up at a point...

Countryside Desert Artic Highway Cave Moon Mars
every 90 (n*90) every 90 (n*90) every 90 (n*90) Previous + 150 + 30*(n-1) + floor((n-1)/4)*30  Previous + 150 - ((n-1)%3)*30 every 90 (n*90) Previous + 150 + INT((n-1)/3)*30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 90 90 90 150 150 90 150
2 180 180 180 330 270 180 300
3 270 270 270 540 360 270 450
4 360 360 360 780 510 360 630
5 450 450 450 1080 630 450 810
6 540 540 540 1410 720 540 990
7 630 630 630 1770 870 630 1200
8 720 720 720 2160 990 720 1410
9 810 810 810 2610 1080 810 1620
10 900 900 900 3090 1230 900 1860
11 990 990 990 3600 1350 990 2100
12 1080 1080 1080 4140 1440 1080 2340
13 1170 1170 1170 4740 1590 1170 2610
14 1260 1260 1260 5370 1710 1260 2880
15 1350 1350 1350 6030 1800 1350 3150


Yannick Jacob said...

thank you

Unknown said...

Nice post, thanks for the shared with us, web design engineer