Thursday, April 13, 2006

Uncommons Deck

Well, it's probably missing the spirit of the deck, as it's playing a whole lot of PRIZE uncommons. Most notably the Selesnya Guildmages, Vitu Ghazi, Moldervine Cloaks, Watchwolf, Dryad Sophisticate and seedspark. Just Fists, Faiths, Transluminants and Terrarrion that's not uncommon.

Big question mark on the Terrarions and the Transluminants though, but they are turn 1 drops and thins the deck. I decided not to include the loxodon warhammer, but they would be pretty cool on the Skarrgan Pit-Skulks.

Other obvious common lacking is the Mourning Thrull...

Here goes then.

7 Plains
3 Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree
9 Forest
3 Selesnya Sanctuary
2 Fists of Ironwood
4 Seed Spark
4 Faith's Fetters
4 Moldervine Cloak
4 Selesnya Guildmage
4 Watchwolf
4 Skarrgan Pit-Skulk
4 Terrarion
4 Transluminant
4 Dryad Sophisticate


Unknown said...

It looks pretty solid.

The M-cloaks are brilliant. And the guildmages as well.

A couple of cards that did not make it (surprisingly)

Sakura tribe elder
Sensei's divining Top
Carven Cyratid

Reenen said...

Sakura... Not aggro enough.
Sensei's tops... well, maybe. Lift a terrarion or two.
Carven... Not aggro enough.

Carven though would definately be side.