Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Dewey Colour Test

Ok, so this test is interesting, and very effortless (very important).

HOWEVER, the test didn't want to accept me because I was using firefox... The site's shares dropped immensly once they did that.

I also think that the site is only giving you your good points, which makes it easy for anyone to agree with whatever is being said of them. (Fundemental Positive Attribution)


j said...

I was going to do the test too (cos it seemed like the meme to do), but when I saw the no Firefox warning, I decided to turn away and go read webcomics instead.

AristoNeeks said...

thats what i thought too! lots of postive reinforcement, where's the negative?

like.. you obsess too much, you nit-picking ninny!!, etc.

even so, what the test said about me, i felt fit with my personality.

Reenen said...

I remember a test where they made 100 people do a personality test, and then gave everyone exactly the same analysis (something like, you prefer being among your friends, but you cherish your alonetime).

At the end, they asked how accurate did they think the analysis were on them rated from 1 - 5. The average was about 4.

So just giving vagueties, or just positive stuff is bound to get people to think it is how they are.

AristoNeeks said...

i believe the same principal applies to horroscopes.

have you ever read all of em?

it could apply to anyone!!

"now is the time to be cautious with your money. you could be making new friends this week, if you are open to it..."


when is there a time that you dont need to be cautious with your money??

its all very facinating.